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Sleep Disorders Center

Helping you sleep with ease

Our specialists believe in the power and importance of sleep. We diagnose and treat sleep disorders at our state-of-the-art outpatient Sleep Disorders Center in Fort Myers to help rejuvenate you and keep you healthy.

Individuals suffering from the following conditions may be referred by their physician to the Sleep Disorder Center:

  •  Sleep apnea (cessation of breathing during sleep)
  •  Infants with possible apnea
  •  Excessive daytime sleepiness
  •  Inability to initiate and maintain sleep (insomnia)
  •  Excessive snoring
  •  Narcolepsy (sudden, uncontrollable sleep)

How Do I get a Sleep Study?

A physician referral is required either by phone or written order before evaluation at one of our sleep labs. If you do not have a physician, please call Lee Physician Group at 239-481-411.

Outpatient Sleep Lab

Inpatient Sleep Lab

Patient Information

Preparing for Your Stay

It is best to shampoo your hair before coming and avoid using any hair products such as hairspray, mousse or oils. Please bring your own toiletries. You might like to bring other things that will make your stay more comfortable such as books, magazines, snacks and your own pillow.

Insurance Coverage

Your study from the Sleep Disorders Center is an accepted medical procedure and is covered by most third-party carriers. However, because it is impossible to predict the extent of your coverage, it is recommended that you contact your insurance representative for a ruling.

A lab preparation fee of $100 is charged if you cannot keep your appointment and fail to cancel with 24 hours of your study. This fee is not covered by insurance.

Results of Your Sleep Study

One of the physicians associated with the Sleep Disorders Center will interpret your sleep test. We will send a final report to your referring physician. You should contact your physician for a follow-up visit to review the results of the study and to receive treatment.

Find a Doctor

Need help finding a physician? We can help! Click below to establish a relationship with a doctor, who can make a referral to one of our sleep labs.

Related to Sleep Disorders Center

  • Sleep disturbances negatively impact a person's sleep pattern. Some are serious enough that they interfere with normal physical, mental, social, and emotional well-being.