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Outpatient Surgery

Quality care and the convenience of more recovery time at home

Technology, Expertise for Better Results

Outpatient surgery, or same-day surgery, allows you to go home on the same day that you have a surgical procedure.

With improved technology and advances in anesthesia and pain control, Lee Health performs many less invasive surgical procedures on an outpatient basis.

Our board certified surgeons and anesthesiologists are here for you every step of the way. Additional staff – nurse anesthetists, registered nurses, surgical technologists, certified nursing assistants, perioperative assistants, and customer service representatives – are passionate about providing you and your family an exceptional experience.

Our Services Include

  • Colonoscopy, endoscopy
  • General and laparoscopic: Gallbladder, hernia
  • Oncology: breast, port placement, skin cancer
  • Plastic/cosmetic
  • Gynecology and OB/GYN oncology
  • Orthopedic: Shoulder, knee, hip arthroscopy/arthoplasty, fractures, podiatry
  • Urology
  • Pain management

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Reduced Stress

The convenience of staying in your home generally makes recovery time quicker and easier than an in-hospital stay. 

Since there are no hospital room charges and related hospital charges, costs are much lower for outpatient surgery. Some insurance companies will cover certain surgical procedures only on an outpatient basis, unless your physician certifies that you require a more intensive level of post-operative care due to an underlying medical condition.

In the majority of cases, outpatient surgery is less stressful than inpatient surgery. This is especially true for children who are afraid of being away from home. Most people prefer to recover in their homes rather than in the hospital, and we will do our best to make sure that happens for you!

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